NIDEC M055PWCTG-0292 ECM Module ONLY 1/2HP Lennox 102468-01 120/240V #Z342B
NIDEC M055PWCTG-0292 ECM Module ONLY 1/2HP Lennox 102468-01 120/240V #Z342B,Quincy 146891-N19 1/2-13X2.50 Zn Steel Stud,Effects of environmentally relevant concentrations of oxytetracycline and sulfadiazine on the bacterial communities, antibiotic resistance genes, and functional genes are different between maize rhizosphere and bulk soil | Environmental Science and ,Briggs and Stratton Vanguard® 14.0 HP 408cc Horizontal Shaft Engine,Resistance profiles of microbial communities in maize rhizospheres to the introduction of exogenous antibiotics to agricultural systems with a high ar - Environmental Science: Processes & Impacts (RSC Publishing) DOI:10.1039/D3EM00149K