The Doublet x ASICS GEL-Kayano 20 Releases in November | House of Heat°
The Doublet x ASICS GEL-Kayano 20 Releases in November | House of Heat°,ASICS SportStyle×doublet】11月16日(土)初めてのコラボレーションとなる新しいスニーカー「GEL-KAYANO™ 20」が登場!|LOVELESS(ラブレス) - SANYO ONLINE STORE | 三陽商会,31KB,ASICS x @__doublet__ GEL-KAYANO™ 20 This iteration of the GEL-KAYANO™ 20 is inspired by cardboard and ASICS shoeboxes, featuring a color-changeable material and a wavy design mimicking cardboard cross sections. Extra blue,Doublet x Asics Gel-Kayano 20 1203A519-200 | OVERKILL